"A natural torpedo"

Films: Atomic Shark (2016)

Alias: None

Type: Mutant

Location: Ocean

Height/Weight: That of an average great white.

Affiliation: Neutral

Summary: It just wasn't enough to give a shark tentacles. It wasn't enough that they made one the Devil. No, Syfy just HAD to give us a shark that was in a constant state of agony, killing itself and all around it. It's an atomic shark, alright.

History: Somewhere in the pacific, a sunken Soviet submarine lies at the bottom, and has attracted a great white. All the shark gets is some severe radiation burns, as well as the inexplicable ability to go nuclear. Now, there's a burning shark ravaging the local beaches, and only a few can hope to stop it.

Notable Kills: Nothing special.

Final Fate: Eventually, the atomic shark is tricked into beaching itself on an isolated island, causing it to overheat and blow up. After going up in a shark-shaped nuclear explosion, it is revealed that a baby shark got into the sub too...

Powers/Abilities: This shark is essentially a nuclear reactor with fins. Just being near it burns everything except the water for some reason.

Weakness: If left on land for too long, its body will go into meltdown, and it will explode.

Scariness Factor: 3-This should have been a scarier shark. It's one that can kill you with either its teeth or horrible radiation burns. Everything and everyone who came into contact with this suffering predator could very much have cancer at this point if they're alive. But then, the awful CGI undersells any hope of good execution of this concept.

Trivia: -This film was also known as "Saltwater" and "Sin Jaws".

-If a shark were to get its jaws around a defunct nuclear sub, it would...die. It would just die. And kill anything that tried to eat its corpse. Dem's the rules.

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And this movie's not the most.

Well, if you're gonna go...
"I was just begging to be mutated!"

Sin Jaws? Well, since Japan is distributing this and given their attitude to the bomb...

One last trick before eradication.
The Killer Drone coming in later claims his first dickish kill.
